Farewell To Zakharchenko

Farewell ceremony for the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko is conducted in the center of Donetsk

The queue of those wishing to honor the memory of Alexander Zakharchenko stretched out about half a kilometer and continues to grow. The gathered barely restrain tears, many keep in their hands cloves and roses with mourning ribbons.

Ombudsman of the DPR Daria Morozova on the death of Alexander Zakharchenko:

“This is an irreplaceable loss for the whole Republic. Nobody will forget this crime, it is cowardly and low,  and war crimes have no statute of limitations. We have no choice, and we must go only forward, we simply have no right to betray the memory of it. “

After the farewell ceremony in the Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theater, the mourning procession along the central street of Artem will begin. The car with the body of Alexander Zakharchenko will proceed to the building of the Administration of the Head of the People’s Democratic Republic, and then he will go to the cemetery where the funeral will be held.

Zakharchenko was mortally wounded on August 31, 2018 as a result of an explosion in the center of Donetsk.  Another 12 people were injured, including Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the DNR Alexander Timofeev