Syria: White Helmets, terrorists trying to stage another false-flag chemical attack

Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) and the pro-militant White Helmets Organization are planning to carry out a fake chemical attack in Northern Hama to later accuse the Syrian Army of the incident ahead of the government forces’ upcoming operation, a media outlet said.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik quoted well-informed sources as disclosing that the White Helmets transferred a consignment of chemicals from chlorine-producing company in Atmah at border with Turkey to Northern Hama on Sunday night.

It further said that the chemical consignment that was hidden in five trucks for carrying sands was transferred from Northern Idlib to Northern Hama under tight security measures.

The sources told Sputnik that a false-flag chemical attack will be possibly carried out following movements by Tahrir al-Sham and the White Helmets to pave the ground for the US’ aggression on Syria.

On Sunday, the Russian Defense Ministry stated that “foreign specialists” arrived in Syria to stage a chemical attack using chlorine, warning that the staging of the incident may happen in two days.

Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said the operation is planned to unfold in Kafr Zita village in Syria’s Northwestern Hama Province, RT reported.

The foreign “English-speaking specialists” are planning to stage an attack using “poisonous agents” in the “next two days”, Konashenkov told reporters on Sunday.

Konashenkov stressed that a group of residents from the North has been transported to Kafr Zita and is currently being prepared “to take part in the staging of the attack” and be seen suffering from “’supposedly chemical munitions’ and ‘barrel bombs’ launched by the Syrian government forces”.

The same groups of residents will be used for assisting “fake rescuers from the White Helmets and for filming reports which will later be disseminated among the Middle Eastern and English-language media”.