Merkel rejects call for conscription to help refugees integrate into German society

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has rejected the controversial suggestion from a close political ally that Germany should reintroduce conscription for both Germans and refugees, in order encourage integration between communities.

The policy was put forward by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, secretary-general of Merkel’s governing Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

She suggested: “One year of service for men and women.

“The service would not only apply to German citizens but to refugees and asylum seekers of legal age who are living in Germany.”

However when asked Merkel told German broadcaster ARD: “I do not want to reintroduce compulsory military service.”

She added that the needs of the military had changed from the Cold War, when a large German army was needed to face-off against the Soviet Union.

Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer argued that the policy could help integrate Germans and refugees, over a million of whom arrived in 2015 alone.

She explained: “If refugees complete such a year, which could be voluntary or mandatory, it would help to integrate them into the country and society.

“It would also increase the acceptance of refugees among the population.

“There is a lot of sympathy for a mandatory service in the CDU.”

However she added: “I myself am not fully decided yet.

“My mother always talked about having to complete a mandatory year in the Nazi era.

“That’s also always in the back of my mind.”

Germany ended conscription in 2011.

“It would also increase the acceptance of refugees among the population” (Image: GETTY)
However a number of recent polls show that the majority of Germans would support its reintroduction, partly as relations with Russia have deteriorated.

It’s been reported that Germany is struggling to persuade enough citizens to join its army, the Bundeswehr.