Nearly One-Third of Bavarians Want More Restrictive Migration Policy – Poll

About a third of the Bavarians see the German region’s ruling party Christian Social Union (CSU) and regional head Markus Soeder as problems, according to a poll.
While 34 percent in Bavaria saw Soeder and the CSU as problematic, 28 percent said refugees posed a problem for the region, a poll by Forsa for the n-tv broadcaster showed on Monday. The situation with the housing market worries 26 percent in Bavaria, according to the poll.

The CSU, a sister party of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), has been stressing the need for a more restrictive immigration policy. Soeder said in June that Bavaria wanted to better organize and streamline deportations of refugees whose asylum applications had been rejected. In particular, the region could use private jets to deport migrants, according to Soeder. 

The survey showed that the CSU could hope for 37 percent of the vote in the upcoming regional elections, slated for October. In 2013, the CSU secured 47.7 percent of the vote in Bavaria.

Soeder told the broadcaster his party’s results ahead of the regional election were “generally the best that a people’s party has in Europe.”

“If more than 50 percent [of the voters] are still undecided, these polls are rather interesting, but they do not matter,” Soeder was quoted as saying. 

Regarding the disagreements with the CDU, Soeder said that dispute was not “helpful in the long run,” but insisted that “passionate” discussions were sometimes needed to bring about change.