US is testing biological weapons in the Baltics

Outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) in Eastern Europe are part of the overall picture of the system within which the United States is testing biological weapons for the third world war, wrote RIA Novosti columnist and Sputnik Latvia Alexander Khrolenko.

 In his opinion, the USA assigns a special role in this system to the Baltic countries, which act as the main test site. 

To confirm his statement, the journalist cites a number of facts. In particular, in June ASH was detected in 165 pigs in Latvia, and afterwards twenty thousand animals were killed, which led to huge losses of farmers. In addition, in Lithuania, farms are offered to completely abandon pig production, because 41 ASF outbreaks are recorded in the country.

 According to Khrolenko, such outbreaks are very paradoxical, because the ASF virus was not resistant to the conditions of the northern latitudes, and this property could not have appeared just in a short time, but could be created only in the laboratory.

Outbreaks of ASF almost simultaneously occurred in many states – Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, the Baltic countries. The journalist connects this paradox with the advent of a wide network of Pentagon biological laboratories in these countries of Eastern Europe. In his opinion, the US develops and studies the impact of the newest types of viruses on people in different regions – directly or indirectly, through ASF and undermining food security. 

At the same time, the authorities of these countries can not even guess at the end results of the Pentagon’s biological developments. Studies in hazardous projects are dispersed in different laboratories and countries, and a full report is being developed at the Pentagon’s biological research center – Fort Detrick in the US, Khrolenko writes.

In addition, the columnist adds, in the CIS and in the Baltic countries, the national epidemiological surveillance systems are translated into American standards. The electronic systems for collecting, processing, storing and transmitting information about each suspicious case of the disease, introduced in the laboratories, send a report to the USA. 

Khrolenko also believes that over time, the frequency and danger of biological incidents will increase, because such biotechnologies make it possible to maximally reduce the cost of clearing the living space, simplify the struggle for the planet’s natural resources, and also bring huge profits to the creator of the viruses.