Expert: blaming Charlottesville on Russia is ‘pure hysterics’ 

Member of the Council on Interethnic Relations under the President of Russia Bogdan Bezpalko commented in a conversation with the RT that the FBI admitted the likelihood of Moscow’s alleged involvement in the protests in Charlottesville that occurred in 2017.
The expert called the version of “Russian intervention” into the events in Charlottesville


“There is no evidence of” Russian intervention “in the events in Charlottesville. Not to mention the fact that racial segregation, in principle racial dislike, is a feature characteristic of American society since its inception. In this situation, I think it’s safe to react to this … Unfortunately, we can not in any way avoid imposing sanctions or restrictions under the pretext of interference, including now allegedly in Charlottesville. Apparently, Russia needs to develop new non-standard tools to counteract this kind of pressure, “he said.
Bezpalko also did not rule out that the details of the “Russian intervention” in Charlottesville did not accidentally appear a few months before the midterm elections to the US Congress on November 6.
“Forcing such a hysteria before the elections is usually a standard procedure to encourage your voters to give appropriate status to candidates and so on. I think that it would be important for Trump himself to recruit his supporters in the congress, so he also admits such informational injections, “the expert said.
Earlier, US congressman Thomas Garrett, at a closed briefing by the FBI, learned that the bureau was supposedly allegedly involved in Russia’s protests in Charlottesville, which occurred in 2017.
In August 2017, hundreds of people took part in rallies against the dismantling of the monument to the Confederate General Robert Edward Lee.
Demonstrations resulted in clashes between ultra-right and left-wing radicals.