Spanish Coast Guard brings 460 migrants to Europe

On Friday, the Spanish Coast Guard brought 458 immigrants to Spain, among them 13 children.

They were rescued by nine boats in the Strait of Gibraltar and in the Albor Sea between Morocco and Spain, AFP reported.

It is reported that Mediterranean refugees began crossing from Morocco.

In recent weeks, migrant routes are increasingly shifting towards Spain. Italy no longer allows non-governmental organizations to approach the shore with refugees on board.

As a result, many of the predominantly African migrants go to neighboring countries Algeria and Morocco to try to get to Europe via Spain.

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), about 23,000 immigrants arrived in Spain by sea this year.

307 people were killed trying to cross the sea. Illegal immigrants are trying to land to the Spanish state territory.

By the end of July, hundreds of people stormed the Spanish exclave of Ceuta and attacked police officers with homemade flamethrowers and burnt lime.

About 700 africanss managed to overcome the fences with a height of about six meters.