How Bulgarian journalist tried to get in US biolaboratory in Georgia


America wants Russia to grant access to bioweapons inspectors. But why won’t these inspectors check on the Pentagon’s biolaboratory in Georgia?

Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva described how she tried to get to one of the Pentagon’s laboratory, located in Georgia and known as the Richard Lugar Center.

“The military personnel asked for my documents. They did not like the fact that the journalist was shooting around the building and talking with local people living in the nearby area,” the journalist said. She was denied access, since some areas within this military facility are only available to US citizens who have access to sensitive information.

After that Mrs Gaytandzhieva sent an official request to get access to the laboratory known in Georgia as the “Lugar Center”. But the refusal followed.

“If the facility is unclassified and non-military, why are media representatives not allowed to reach the building? What is actually hidden behind the walls of a building in which you can see cars with US diplomatic numbers? Who can check the activity of the American biological laboratory in Georgia?”, the journalist comments.