Fury as UK officials plan on giving EU judges the final say on vital Brexit decisions

The Government has agreed to give the ECJ the final say in order to break the deadlock in the stalled negotiations over the withdrawal agreement, which has prompted in the growing fears either side of the Channel of a no deal scenario.

ECJ judges will also have the final say on the Irish backstop if the future trade agreement between Westminster and Brussel leads to checks on the border.

The Commission, Brussels’ powerful executive, will be able to refer rulings on UK-EU disputes to the ECJ even if its role is resisted by the British Government.

A joint committee of officials will consider all disputes alongside a planned arbitration panel, as set out in Mrs May’s White Paper. However, the current draft EU withdrawal states the panel “may, at any point, decide to submit the dispute brought before it to the Court of Justice of the EU for ruling”

The draft text adds: “The Court of Justice of the EU shall have jurisdiction over such cases and its ruling shall be binding on the Union and the UK.”

The withdrawal agreement will also become an EU law, allowing the ECJ to make direct rulings on its interpretation.

Eurosceptic MPs accused the Government of yet another climbdown since the publication of the Prime Minister’s controversial Chequers plan.

Conservative Brexiteer Benard Jenkin said: “This is very profound.

“It is giving a status to the European Court of Justice in the withdrawal agreement that is not accorded to the Supreme Court in the United Kingdom.

“That makes it deeply a unequal relationship and therefore unacceptable.”

Iain Duncan Smith said: “This would be akin to saying that a UK citizen living in America could have their rights protected by a UK court.”

A UK official, however, rebuked the claims and said the ECJ would not be allowed the final say UK-EU on disputes.

They said: “We have categorically rejected any proposal that would see the court of one side decide disputes.”