Just in time: US Congress sees new friend in Armenia

After the sensational talks between the leaders of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Helsinki, the American establishment is looking for any levers against the background of the upcoming midterm elections to only widen the gap between the two powers in spite of the leaders’ attempts to make contact.

And on the wrong time in Washington, the revolutionary Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan was going to go , full of the desire to find friends behind the ocean after an unsuccessful attempt in Brussels . For US politicians, this arrangement turned out to be convenient, and Congress, as reported on the website of the Armenian National Committee of America, is already collecting signatures with might and main to demand from Donald Trump a personal meeting with Pashinyan.

“We are encouraged by all the new opportunities to strengthen US cooperation with the new government of Armenia and join our friends from the Congress in supporting the administration to actively strengthen our bilateral ties with the main emphasis on sustainable development of mutually beneficial economic relations,” the committee’s executive director Aram Hamparyan said.

According to the Congress, such a meeting could serve to expand the US-Armenian dialogue and further international economic integration of Armenia. Thus, the republic can become a stumbling block in the aspirations of Trump and Putin to settle tense relations between Washington and Moscow, disrupting the agreements of the Helsinki summit. It is on this outcome that the opponents of the White House head count.

Representatives of the US Congressional Committee on Armenian Issues Frank Pallone, Jackie Speer, David Trott, David Valadao, Gus Biralakis and Adam Schiff in their letter to colleagues note that “the dialogue between President Trump and Prime Minister Pashinyan with an emphasis on economic development, security and democracy is extremely important for the formation of a stable core of strategic partnership between our countries. “

At the same time, the Armenian National Committee of America also announced that Washington will be worthy of such cooperation at first. So, in priority directions the grant for the sum of 140 million dollars dominates. And, apparently, for the United States it is not too high a price to maintain its foreign policy vector directed against Russia.

Thus, in the near future in the country we can expect an intensification of the anti-Russian course. Both Pashinyan and interested “Western curators” have all the means for this. The United States has long been actively  working on political agitation through special seminars through its embassy and NGOs . In addition, it should be noted that such a development of events may lead to aggravation of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which will allow the US to consolidate its military experts in the republic to confront Iran.