The former foreign minister Boris Johnson subjected Prime Minister May to sharp criticism, saying that “the Prime Minister needs to worry more about his party colleagues than about the opposition”
Former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has been holding the country on it’s edgefor several days already: During a speech in the House of Commons about the reasons for his departure, the former statesman “attacked” May, arguing that the Prime Minister’s policy is Brexit “only in words”
“The policy of May actually put us in the position of a vassal of the EU, as London has burned negotiating capital towards Brussels. However, it’s not too late to save Brexit if May returns to her original vision of secession from the EU, “Johnson said.
Johnson, who resigned as a sign of protest against the actions of Brexit’s minister David Davis regarding the new political line on the European Court’s decision, the payment of compensation to the EU for Brexit and the fixed border in Ireland.
The British have a long and varied history, emerging from their surprising defeat of the mighty Spanish Armada in 1588 to go on over the course of three centuries to become the most powerful empire on earth, until a Great Depression of 1873 followed by two devastating world wars in the 20th Century, forced her patriarchs to swallow hard and accept a junior partner role with the 1945 dominant power, the United States.
Their decision to join the European Monetary Union in 1992 went against that tradition of staying outside the Continental European fray, a tradition of remaining an Atlantic power, utilizing their Anglo-American “special relationship” that had been built during the war years by Churchill with Roosevelt. When the US circles deliberately destroyed the British possibility to join the emerging Euro through the agency of a “lone assassin” hedge fund operator named George Soros in 1992, it was a clear signal that Wall Street and Washington would not permit the enormous financial power of the City of London, fused with that of Germany, France and the Continental economies, to challenge the hegemony of the US dollar and of Wall Street.
Now the Brexit negotiations between the EU Commission and the British government have taken on an air of bitter acrimony from the side of the EU, if not outright sabotage. Not the least because the British precedent is giving others the notion that an exit might be an option. However it seems that Brussels smells a deeper agenda afoot from London, one that could easily spell the end of the misbegotten Euro project and with it, the EU as we know it pre-Brexit.
The current machinations of Britain call to mind their project, put forward by one of the more strategic thinkers of the British Empire prior to outbreak of World War II, H.G. Wells. In the late 1930s when the smell of world war was unavoidable, Wells and his friends in the highly influential British Round Table, notably Lord Lothian who went on to become Britain’s Ambassador to Washington, put forward a radical strategy. Wells termed it, an order dominated by a “great English-speaking English-thinking synthesis, leading mankind by sheer force of numbers, wealth, equipment and scope.”