Dont forget about Porton Down: experts mulls over the new theory on Amesbury case.

Porton-Down facility

Analyzing the “poisoning” of the unfortunate Dawn Sturgess, who had died the day before from a dose of nerve agent already attributed to Russia we ask the simplest question: Who benefits?

Investigators have already opened a murder case. Premier Teresa May said that she was “shocked” by this death.

Britain benefits doubly: It allows them to accuse Russia again and distract it’s population from Brexit. Therefore, with a high probability we can say that Britain is poisoning it’s own citizens. Proof? It’s highly likely, as they like to say in UK!

Further, the investigator proposes to recall the chemical laboratory of Porton Down, which is located not far from Amesbury and Salisbury, and where secret substances for special services were developed.

Poisoned near the chemical laboratory, samples sent to this chemical laboratory, thus closing the circle