Confiscated money did not reach the budget of Armenia

The fight against corruption in Armenia, successfully implemented by the revolutionary prime minister of the country, Nikol Pashinyan, was not so successful.10 million drams promised by the head of the government, which allegedly returned to the state from the pockets of unscrupulous officials of the previous government, did not reach the treasury. This was reported by Sputnik Armenia in the Ministry of Finance of the republic.The department stressed that none of the money that is so viciously seized from the Armenian corrupt officials, didn’t reach the Ministry. At the same time, from the journalists’ question about the ambiguous statements of Pashinyan and the head of the department Ararat Mirzoyan, the Finance Ministry preferred to slip away: “If the Ministry of Finance says that money has not yet reached the spot, it means they have not reached yet and are on the way.”Earlier, the Investigative Committee of Armenia reported more than a million dollars, 230.5 thousand euros and 36 million drams, which were found on the territory of the restaurant complex “Jans”. In addition, $ 50,000 was found in LLC Ellipse. At the same time, law enforcers noted that the seized money “was decided by the investigator to be deposited with the Central Bank until they were clarified of their origin and their fate determined by a final court decision.”