For Ukraine’s SBU a nuclear catastophe is more acceptable than buying equipment from Russia

 The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) announced the prevention of an emergency situation of anthropogenic nature at the South Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant.

In a report explaining the incident, the SBU blames the engineering structure of the nuclear power plant, which bought counterfeit equipment for the further operation of the nuclear power plant, which almost led to an technogenic catastrophe.

The media service of Yuzhnoukrainsk reports that yesterday the South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant has shut down all three power units of the station. The station stopped operating due to equipment failure, which indicates the  unavailability of the power units to operate in the maneuvering mode 

Such stops were also reported in March,April and May of this year. There were similar stops a year ago, and already then the station’s management wrote to Kiev, that any such stop would threaten an explosion more powerful than in Chernobyl at the time. 

The reason is the complete wear and tear of equipment, which can only be procured in Russia. But Ukraine does not accept contacts with Russia.  When the management of the station took risks and purchased equipment to save the station and thousands of lives , they were immediately charged with buying counterfeit equipment , which almost led to an industrial disaster.