Brexiteers pile pressure on Sajid Javid to stick with them

A clash of Cabinet heavyweights began ahead of the crunch meeting after Theresa May unveiled a new plan for tariffs and trade arrangements after the UK leaves the EU.Key details of Mrs May’s proposals were this morning rejected by senior EU sources in Brussels, who said the UK could not cherrypick by having different rules for goods and services.Brexit Secretary David Davis did not deny a claim that he wrote to the Prime Minister last night warning that her proposal is unworkable and bound to be rejected by Brussels when negotiations between the UK and EU restart.One ministerial source who agreed with Mr Davis said: “Sajid is absolutely key — if he flips and backs it, it will be trickier to stop it. He flipped once in the Cabinet committee when he backed the Brexiteers but if he flips again by moving away from them he would probably look like someone who could not be relied on in times of adversity.”