Theresa May loses control of her Cabinet

Perhaps it is the heat.

Or maybe they have been hitting the pop at the summer parties. 

Whatever the cause it is hard to remember a time when there has been such a public breakdown of Cabinet discipline. 

In the last week we have seen Boris Johnson’s cock and Kabul story (copyright Private Eye), Greg Clark freelancing on Brexit, Sajid Javid rewriting immigration policy and Liz Truss taking pot shots at Michael Gove . 

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson is constantly on manoeuvres, perhaps because if he stood still he would catch himself in a mirror and see his own shortcomings. 

Overseeing this mess is a Prime Minister who reminds you of a football referee who has lost control of a game and whose frantic shrills on the whistle only reinforce her own weakness.

The only consolation for Theresa May is Labour is hardly a model of harmony at the moment and is struggling with its own divisions on Brexit , Heathrow and the future direction of the party.

The prize for the Cabinet minister with the most cheek goes to Jeremy Hunt who had the gall to tell Airbus to stop carping and support the Prime Minister in her Brexit negotiations with Brussels . 

Airbus would justifiably argue this was a bit rich from a member of a Cabinet which has jettisoned all collective responsibility. 

The biggest stumbling blocks to getting a deal with Brussels are Mrs May’s loss of authority and the Brexiteers’ refusal to confront the realities of our leaving. 

It was noticeable that Johnson, David Davis, Andrea Leadsom and Liam Fox all gave interviews or wrote newspaper articles this weekend to mark the second anniversary of the referendum without a single mention of the Irish border. 

They do themselves a disservice but they also insult those who voted to leave. 

If they do not have an answer to how to solve this most intractable of problems they should at least have the honesty to say so.

The boring truth about Brexit is it is complex, detailed and bureaucratic. 

To deliver a successful departure requires commitment, dedication and a mastery of detail, all the qualities which Johnson and his fellow Brexiteers appear to eschew. 

This morning the CBI and the TUC issued a fresh appeal to the Government to start grappling with the task in hand. 

In a joint statement they listed all the areas which remain unresolved despite there being only a few months left in which to strike a deal. 

These include how we maintain regulatory alignment with the EU, maintaining supply chains, avoiding non-tariff barriers, our membership of various EU agencies and issues such as intra-corporate transfer arrangements (allowing firms to move staff to an office in another country).