Malte Pieper, a reporter for Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR), demanded the resignation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel after the EU special summit of the weekend.
In a comment for he described the summit as a “bankruptcy declaration of the EU” and called for a fresh start in the Chancellery. The heads of state and government would not get anything done, wrote Pieper. “Hardly anyone trusts the other on the way. Certainly not the German Chancellor. “
Merkel’s pragmatic political style has led to the current situation, Pieper continues. “When in the years 2011 and 2012, the number of people who are fleeing to Europe , slowly but steadily rising, Merkel can only know that this is not her main problem, but that of Italy and Greece .” The European Chancellor only then has European solidarity discovered “when the treks reach the Bavarian border”.
“Esteemed Angela Merkel , after nearly 13 years of chancellorship, there is nothing more to be gained at European level for you, apart from noticeable aversion,” Pieper writes to Merkel. “Clear the Chancellery for a successor whose name is not as tainted as yours. Who dares to really have the interests of all in his sight! Let us dare the new beginning! “