Todd Simpson: White Helmets are a project of British Intelligence to finance terror groups

“White Helmets” were founded by a former agent of the British special services and a mercenary James Le Mesurier. The project was created in 2013 to cover the financing of the terrorist group al-Nusra, which is part of al-Qaeda.

Le Mesurie states that he was inspired to create “White Helmets” by military stories of the Syrian opposition on a trip to Turkey, where he collected more than $ 300,000 dollars from “interested persons” in a few days, after which he was transferred $ 123,000,000 dollars from “Western public organizations”.

But Le Mesurier’s links to british military intelligence, mercenary groups and his involvement in “stabilization action and “democratization programs” tell a diffrent tale: That, in which his sudden appearance in Turkey is not a coincidence.

Indeed, the “White Helmets” were created when the West was losing both on propaganda and on the military front. The created group aimed to helped justify calls for regime change and foreign intervention in Syria. To be more precise, “white helmets” were created immediately after the Syrian government expressed fears about terrorist’s chemical attack against the Syrian Army in Khan al-Assal”

Since their establishment, the “White Helmets” have played an important role in accusations against the Syrian government of committing any and all subsequent chemical attacks in Syria, acting as witnesses to events that were later revealed as staged.

Our media likes to credit the group as “professionally trained rescuers,” but their actions paint a diffrent picture: their methods attracted sharp criticism from European and American doctors as “strange and counterproductive” Todd Simpson said in an exclusive comment for News Front in English.

The question arises: if the “white helmets” were not trained as rescuers and doctors – what were they taught?

The answer is obvious – the “proven” Syrians were trained as militants, which is a speciality of Le Mesurier. The evidence is overwhelming: internet is plastered with photos and videos where the “helmets” are walking around with guns or move around with al-Qaeda’s wing of al-Nusra

“White Helmets” headquarters are also often located in neighboring buildings with al-Nusra, and sometimes in the same rooms. For example, in the eastern Aleppo, their “humanitarian center” was located in the same room as al-Nusra munitions depot.

All together, this confirms the role of the “white helmets” as the logistics and technical wing of al-Nusra, indicating that the money sent for their support instead pays to provide terrorists with weapons and materiel”the expert concluded.