Italian deputy in EU Parliament: “Stop supporting the Poroshenko regime”

The deputy from Italy Eleonora Forenza at a meeting of the European Parliament demanded to stop the IMF’s financing of the so-called reforms of Petro Poroshenko’s regime. This was reported by the Federation of Labor Unions (FLU) of the LPR.

“Not everyone in Europe unconditionally supports the Ukrainian government. Last week, during hearings in the European Parliament, the deputy from Italy Eleonora Forenza, who visited the LPR in May, 2017 as a part of the ‘Anti-fascist caravan’, opposed the IMF’s allocation of another monetary tranche to Poroshenko’s government,” it is said in the statement.

“Dear colleagues! I am an international terrorist! I am an international terrorist in the eyes of the regime of Poroshenko, who accuses me of international terrorism because I visited Donbass as a part of the ‘Anti-fascist caravan’, thepurpose of which was to express solidarity with the people of Donbass. And now I am sincerely amazed that the European Parliament finds it possible to support allocating the fourth tranche to a government that isn’t just corrupt, but also actively supports neo-Nazi forces,” stated Forenza to European Parliament deputies.
She added that, besides this, the current Ukrainian government “rejects the basic principles of human rights and kills journalists”.

“We [Italy – ed] supported the state armed coup that was Euromaidan in Kiev only because of the desire of the European Union. We support a government that violates human rights and violates the Minsk Agreements,” noted the deputy.

“I sincerely believe that if you really want to build an anti-fascist Europe, then there is a need to stop financing regimes such as Poroshenko’s, and to start supporting the political actions of workers. This is my opinion,” stressed Forenza.