The 29-year-old Tunisian, who was preparing a terror attack with the use of a deadly toxin, ricin, according to the German police, has given himself away by attempting to depart for Syria to meet with terrorists.
The suspected terrorist, in whose apartment large amounts of poison allegedly used for producing biological weapons was found, had been on the German domestic intelligence’s radar since April 2017 because of his plans to go to Daesh in Syria, the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper reported, citing its sources in German security services.
During the man’s arrest, police found a key that openshis two apartments and eight other vacant properties. There, the investigators sought more evidence of an bio bomb attack the core of which would have released the highly toxic ricin.
One of the neighbours managed to film the moment the 29-year-old Tunisian was arrested by the police after the search in his appartment.
The suspect was detained on Wednesday after the police found large amounts of ricin — an extremely dangerous toxin, which might be used by the Islamist to prepare a terrorist attack. The Tunisian is charged with a serious crime threatening a state.
According to the media outlet, the suspect arrived in Germany in November 2016 and had no previous criminal record.
Ricin is an extremely poisonous organic substance found in certain plants. The poison is six times more toxic than potassium cyanide and there is no antidote for it. To kill a person or to do damage someone’s health, this poison must enter the body by being inhaled or be injected directly into the blood.