Angela Merkel pushes for common European approach to refugee crisis


German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a joint press conference with Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel in Berlin on Wednesday, during the lather’s official visit to the German capital.

The central focus of the leaders’ statements was emerging differences of opinion among the Europe’s political leaders over the refugee crisis.

Michel insisted that strengthening Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, was key to solving the issue. Meanwhile, Merkel reiterated the importance of working with countries of origin to stem the flow of people coming to Europe.

The German Chancellor recognised comments made by new Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, which suggested the country had borne the brunt of migration. She said, “Italy has the feeling that it hasn’t experienced enough solidarity from Europe. Italy has taken on a lot of refugees, but that is our problem.”

Merkel’s comments on Italy’s migration policy come just two days after the Italian government refused to allow a ship which had rescued 629 migrants from docking into port.