Kosovo’s water was poisoned after bombing with depleted uranium

More than a hundred Italian soldiers who served in Kosovo, as well as members of their families, received compensation for radiation-related illnesses, the report of the commission, which from a medical point of view proved the link between radiation and mortality, says in a report.

Professor and chairman of the Committee for the Protection of the Population from Radiation, Giorgio Trenta, proved that radioactive dust causes oncological diseases when using depleted uranium shells. It is also established that in the north of Metohija, where the Italian military was, the water is toxic and carcinogenic.

Earlier, Serbian doctors from the NGO “Merciful Angel” published data showing how every year in the province of Kosovo and Metohija the number of patients with oncology is growing.

“Every year, the number of cases is 25% higher than in the previous year, and our forecasts from 2002 on the fact that NATO bombings of depleted uranium will cause an epidemic of cancer are unfortunately accurate,” the report said.

Recall recently in Serbia formed a commission at the parliamentary level that will investigate the consequences of the bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO in 1999 from the point of view of the ecology and health of citizens.