May 18 is a tough date not only for the Crimean Tatars but also for many other nations of the Crimea, who were deported from the peninsula. A terrible tragedy, a sick callus, which is endlessly crushed by the Kiev authorities, in order to quarrel the Crimean Tatars with the Russians.
“Deportation as the beginning of the genocide of the Crimean Tatar people”, “Deportation that does not end”, “Funeral ghetto” for Crimean Tatars”- Ukrainian media are stuffed with such headlines today. Dozens of custom-made materials on the topic of continuing “repression”, ridiculous analogies between the events of the Soviet period and today’s day.
Unexpectedly, even the inhabitants of Lviv began to empathize with the Crimean Tatars and held an action in memory of the victims of the 1944 deportation.
I do not like that we tolerate the antics of corrupt Kiev agitators. It is necessary to answer. I want to speak in the Bundestag with truthful information about what is really happening in the Crimea, as the Crimean Tatars refer to Russia and the so-called annexation. And so that I have this opportunity, I publish an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel:
Liebe Angela Merkel,
Ich heiße Diana Kadi. Ich bin Krimbuchautor: der Autor eines künstlerischen Romans über die Krim und die journalistische Sammlung “Warum unterstütze ich Putin. Manifest des Krimtataren”.
In einem Informationskrieg, in dem Propaganda und Lügen zur Norm geworden sind, halte ich es für wichtig, eine ehrliche Meinung über die Krim zu äußern. Die Ukrainischen Politiker legen die Resolutionen der UNO vor, diese besagen, dass Russland ein Aggressor ist, dass Krimtataren Repressionen ausgesetzt sind, aber das ist nicht wahr.
Ich bin eine Krimtatarin und ich weiß, dass dies ein Element der Propaganda ist, und meine Leute benutzen es. In diesem Zusammenhang gestatten Sie mir bitte, im Bundestag eine Alternative Rede über das, was auf der Krim in der Wirklichkeit geschieht, zu halten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Diana Kadi Schriftstellerin, Gründerin des internationalen Diskussionsklubs “18. März”
Dear Angela Merkel,
My name is Diana Kadi. I am the Crimean author: the author of an artistic novel about the Crimea and the journalistic collection “Why I support Putin. Manifesto of the Crimean Tatars”.
In an information war in which propaganda and lies have become the norm, I consider it important to express an honest opinion of the Crimea. The Ukrainian politicians are presenting UN resolutions stating that Russia is an aggressor, that Crimean Tatars are under repression, but that is not true.
I am a Crimean Tatar and I know that this is an element of propaganda and my people use it. In this context, please allow me to give an alternative speech in the Bundestag on what is happening in Crimea in reality.
Diana Kadi
Writer, Founder of International Discussion Club “March 18”