German MP calls Syrian chemical attack a “false flag”

Anti war protests

There is no proof that the Syrian authorities were responsible for an alleged chemical attack in Douma, member of Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and Bundestag MP Hansjörg Müller said in an interview.

Members of the German AfD party do not support Berlin’s official stance on the alleged involvement of Damascus in the chemical attack in the city of the Douma.

“There is no evidence. We do not rule out that this was a ‘false-flag-action’ of the Western countries,” the party member and lawmaker Hansjörg Müller told the media outlet.

On Friday night, the United States, the United Kingdom and France launched airstrikes against Syria over reports of a chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta’s Douma.

Germany did not take part in the military campaign, but Chancellor Angela Merkel told journalists that Berlin supports “everything” that is done “to send a signal that this use of chemical weapons is not acceptable.”

Western countries are accusing the Syrian government of being behind the alleged chemical attack. Damascus has repeatedly denied the allegations, stressing that no reliable proof had been presented.

Syria initiated the destruction of its stocks of chemical weapons in 2013 in a deal reached between Russia and the United States in exchange for the latter not to attack the Middle Eastern country. In 2014, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons confirmed that Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal had been completely eliminated.