The reckless military actions of the United States, Britain and France in Syria violate the fundamental principles of modern international relations. In addition, North Korea can now view nuclear weapons as the only guarantee against an American attack. The thuggish behaviour of the US can only be explained by their desire to gain another foothold in the Middle East – writes China Daily in a commentary on US airstrikes in Syria
The newspaper adds “The strikes are a bad example that show us that any superpower can wage war on any other country while bypassing the UN. Why did US and its allies refuse to wait until the investigation a few days later?”
According to the newspaper, the actions of US and allies “are reminiscent of Iraq circa 2003, when US invaded yet another country for allegedly having chemical weapons.
Global Times also writes that “US is underestimating the negative consequences of their reckless actions”
“We can already say that the Syria strikes will have a negative effect on the upcoming talks between Koreas, Trump and Kim Jong Un”
“The fact that they acted without a UN mandate cannot be excused in any way, no matter the evidence they claim to secretly have. The excuses are irrelevant – they lynched Syria without any proof”
The Xinhua News Agency in its analytical article writes that “the US does not want the Assad government to win back more territory, strengthen its political power, and that’s why, willy-nilly, they had to intervene.”