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UN Representative: Syria will not allow a repeat of Iraq and Libya in it’s territory

Bashar al-Jafari

The Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations, Bashshar Al-Jafari, has confirmed that Syria will not allow a repeat of Iraqi or Libyan scenarios of destruction and regime change in it’s territory

“I would like to say to western countries – your threats of aggression, political maneuvering, lies and terrorism will never make us, as one of the founding states of this organization, to curtail human rights and our responsibility to uphold our constitution, defend our sovereignty and protect ourselves against all acts of aggression. We will not allow anyone, whether they are a permanent member of the Security Council or not, to do with us what they did with Iraq and Libya, ” Al-Jafari said at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

As the Permanent Representative noted, the participants of the meeting who just left the hall called today a sad day for the treaty of non-proliferation of chemical weapons.

He added that monitoring violations of this treaty is direct responsibility of western countries, since it was the United States who used nuclear weapons in Japan, biological and chemical weapons in Vietnam and depleted uranium munitions in Iraq and Afghanistan. France conducted its nuclear tests in the Algerian desert, and UK in it’s colonies waters.

Al-Jafari pointed out that UK recently signed a $100 billion weapon supply contract with the successor to the throne of the Saudi regime, as to allow them to continue its aggressive war in Yemen and kill the civilian population. According to him, Britain is capable only of fomenting wars, not promoting peace.

He recalled the saying of the late Indian statesman Mahatma Gandhi “If there is a quarrel between the two fish at sea, it is known that the reason for it is Britain”

Al-Jafari also commented on the words of the US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley that there’s “only oneb east who opposes everyone”

“Yes, I can agree with that one- there is such a beast – a hydra of US, UK and France who have been supporting terrorism in Syria for the last seven years and in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya before that”

“These countries are de-facto masters of all terrorist organizations, from al-Qaeda, ISIS and Taliban to al-Nusra ar-Rahman and White Helmets, who were created by British Intelligence”

Al-Jafari recalled how the aviation of so-called “international coalition” has killed hundreds of innocent civilians and reduced a huge part of the country to rubble. For example, Raqqa has been completely destroyed, with many victims still undiscovered. Parallel to this, American helicopters transported ISIS leaders out.

He reiterated that SAR welcomes the upcoming OPCW fact-finding mission to Douma, and that Syrian government is ready to provide any necessary help and security it would need to have complete access to the site of the so-called chemical attack

What happened today in the security Council reminds me of the situation on the even of US air strikes on al-Shayrat airbase, when the United States fabricated bogus charges against Syrian army about alleged chemical weapon use. The aggressive policy of Washington and it’s allies is historically based on demagogy, lies and false flags. They have never respected international laws.

Al-Jaffri assures the world community, including the Western nations, that the lies and fabrications that the western alliance uses to push it’s dirty wars will soon be revealed.

He reiterated that the Syrian Arab Republic condemns any use of chemical weapon, indicating that his country is cooperating fully with OPCW and that his country hasn ever used chemical weapons.

The West is trying to create an immoral coalition to recruit it’s puppet regimes and agents outside the framework of international legality. However, as Al-Jaffari concludes, all these attempts are doomed to fail.