Russian military police will be deployed to the Syrian city of Douma on April 12 to ensure security, maintain law and order, First Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Directorate, Lieutenant-General Viktor Poznikhir, told reporters on Wednesday.
“As of tomorrow, Russian military police units will be deployed to the city of Douma to ensure security, maintain law and order and arrange assistance to the local population,” he said.
He also added that Eastern Ghouta civilians are currently being aided by both UN and Russia
As part of this task, three UN humanitarian convoys delivered 445 tons of food, medicine and basic necessities. Russian military delivered 518 tons of food, a number of field kitchens, more than 9,000 liters of bottled water, 8,457 sets of bed linen, and more than 114 thousand food rations”- he said.