British police investigates claims of “poisoned porridge” brought by Yulia Skripal’s “female pal”

Police have interrogated a “woman pal” of Yulia Skripal after she jetted to Britain with a £1 bag of cereal for stricken spy Sergei.

It is feared his porridge could have been poisoned.
British investigators believe nerve agent Novichok was used to poison Russian double agent Sergei Skripal’s breakfast, shown here with Yulia, who was also affected. He had asked daughter Yulia, 33, to bring the Russian-style breakfast from Moscow.
Sergei, 66, also demanded bay leaves and spices from his motherland.

But in the rush to fly to London — the day before the March 4 nerve-agent attack — she forgot to pick up the grocery gifts.
So instead, Yulia asked an unnamed woman, who flew to London separately, to buy and bring the buckwheat, his favourite breakfast meal.

Police wearing protective clothing investigate the area near ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal’s home in Salisbury after it was suspected he had been poisoned with Novichok
It is understood Scotland Yard has “interrogated” the woman, who works for a major medical company in Russia, about the gifts.
She flew to Britain with her husband shortly after Yulia.
Daughter of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal is getting better after spending three weeks in critical condition following nerve agent attack
It is not clear when or how the gifts were delivered.

A source said: “Police had suspected gifts from Yulia to her father might have contained the Novichok nerve agent.”
Traces of the poison are said to have been found on the front door of Sergei’s home in Salisbury, Wilts.