Antonov: Moscow to take an adequate response to US decision to expel Russian diplomats


“I mentioned in my statement in the State Department that I consider these actions counterproductive,” Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said. “the United States took a very bad step by cutting what very little still remains in terms of Russian-American relations.”

Following the US decision, 46 diplomats from the embassy in Washington and two diplomats from the consulate New York would leave the country.

“I’ve just received an additional information that 12 more diplomats from our permanent delegation to the UN have been declared personae non-gratae. Moreover, our consulate general in Seattle closes, beginning March 30,” Antonov said.

According to the Russian ambassador, Moscow will take an adequate response to the United States’ decision to expel.

“I think that the response should be adequate. Moscow will take the appropriate decision,” Antonov said. “I think, even just as a citizen of the Russian Federation, that such provocative unreasonable steps cannot be left unanswered.”

Speaking directly about the Skripal poisoning case, Antonov told reporters that there was still no evidence of Russian involvement in the Skripal case.

“I want to underline that as of today there is no single bit of evidence of Russian interference in the [Skripal] case investigation as well as of Russian involvement in the tragedy that occurred in London,” Antonov said. “I want to underscore the most optimal approach to solving the so-called Skripal case is a calm, professional investigation within the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, where all interested countries are represented.”