Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said he expects an escalation of tension in the coming weeks, but said that the UK version is built on “probabilities, and there is no evidence.” He stressed that Bulgaria “can not join in any way”, referring to the previous statement that Bulgaria is not going to expel Russian diplomats at the call of PM Theresa May.
“While there is a “probability”, but no evidence, our country can not join such actions as some countries intend to do,” Borisov said.
“I remembered the time when Saddam Hussein was charged with using chemical weapons, and then Tony Blair apologized. The consequences are monstrous to this day,” the Bulgarian prime minister added.
“Unfortunately, today is a much more difficult time than during the Cold War. During the Cold War, there were many clear dividing lines, much more clear principles, which were adhered to by two global world players, there were some rules. Now the relationship between all the players has become so acute that I can not afford to be an optimist. When diplomats are massively expelled, when the EU withdraws its ambassador from Moscow, such actions are unlikely to bring more peace, tranquility and mutual understanding. There is nothing worse than war,” he concluded.