Pro-Kurdish demonstrations staged a protest in Athens on Tuesday condemning the ongoing Turkish offensive in Syria’s Afrin.
Protesters burnt posters of Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin as they marched to the Embassy of Turkey chanting slogans like “terrorist Erdogan” and “fascist Turkey”.
“We call for the Russian government and the Russian people to stop this cooperation and save the children and civilians of Afrin,” said Lebrahem Muslem, diplomatic representative of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in the Balkans.
He added: “The friendship between Russians and Kurds is stronger than the relationship between Erdogan and Putin.”
Several organisations, as well as The Front of the Greek Anticapitalist Left (Antarsya) and Greece’s Popular Unity party members joined the protest.
The Turkish-led ‘Olive Branch’ military operation against YPG Kurdish militants in Afrin carries on despite the international community’s warnings of an urgent humanitarian crisis in northern Syria.