Germany: Brexit, Trump and Merkel mocked by Dusseldorf carnival floats


Around 60-70 floats passed by the crowds, with participants throwing candy and shouting out “Helau,” the official greeting of carnival

This occasion is also used to satirise and relay political messages in the form of parade floats. A float named ‘The Russian Affair’ depicted US President Donald Trump mounted by a bear. The words ‘Alternative Fuckts’ were written on the back of the float, a play on words on ‘Alternative Facts’ – a term famously used by the Trump administration.

The floats also included Angela Merkel depicted as a spider who has feasted on the bodies of her political opponents.

Christian Lindner of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) was depicted as a rabbit running away from governmental responsibilities.

Social Democratic Party (SPD) leader Martin Shultz is shown grinding himself in a meat grinder, a pun on the recent political choices of the party.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May was also depicted, giving birth to a deformed baby named Brexit.