Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un impersonators thrown out of Winter Olympics opening ceremony

Winter Olympics security guards had to throw US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un out of the Opening Ceremony on Friday.

At least, that’s how it looked – but the pair were in fact impersonators who had made their way into the stands for the ceremony before swiftly being shown out by security staff.

“We wanted to surprise everyone and bring world peace and then we’re being escorted out by security guards, which I think is really unfair,” the Kim impersonator said. “Doesn’t everyone want peace?”

The ceremony was marked by a show of unity between North and South Korea.

But the lookalikes’ own show of unity – “We’re getting along great,” the Kim lookalike boasted – was less well received.

The appearance by the celeb-mimicking pranksters clearly touched a nerve at a politically intense time for the US, North Korea and South Korea.