The opinion piece features one furious NHS health worker after another, complaining that the public health service – introduced by the Labour government post-World War II – is not giving “people the care they need.”
The article starts with a bleak description of the current conditions of staff and the cash-strapped NHS, highlighting reports of frail people having to wait for up to 12 hours in emergency wards before they are tended to, and of non-urgent operations being postponed.
It invariably points to the toll Brexit and the deriving uncertainty surrounding EU citizens’ rights is having on the NHS, citing that almost 10,000 nurses quit their jobs in the year following the EU referendum in June 2016.
Not one of the piece’s interviewees specifically cite government cuts as the problem behind the NHS’ crisis, despite Tory-implemented austerity often cited as one of the key reasons behind the services demise. The demotion of said information was noted on Twitter.