Palestinian student activist killed by Israeli forces

Ahmed Abd al-Jaber Muhammad Salim, a student at Al-Quds Open University in Qalqiliya and the Secretary of the student wing of the DFLP (Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine) was shot in the head at his hometown of Jayyous while protesting against illegal settlements, reports Palestinian news agency Maan News.

Salim, a former political prisoner, was discharged from an Israeli prison after serving a sentence of three years. Shortly afterwards he joined his local university. He was allegedly shot from 20 metres away, and witnesses claim that Israeli forces fired tear gas at Palestinian ambulances and paramedics, which further prevented him from getting the medical attention he needed.

He was declared dead three minutes after he was finally transported to Qalqilyah’s Darwish Nazzal hospital.  

Local PLO factions and the DFLP have sent condolences to the family of Salim. 

Tensions in the occupied territories and Gaza have increased since U.S. President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, which further disillusioned Palestinians, making them question whether or not the United States could successfully oversee a two-state solution. 

Many U.S allies have also condemned the move by the Trump administration, citing concerns that it raised a new obstacle to peace in the region.