Former Fox News anchor Juliet Huddy says Donald Trump tried kissing her

Former news anchor for Fox News, Juliet Huddy, said Thursday that President Donald Trump tried to kiss her in an elevator at Trump Tower after he took her out for lunch.

According to a report by Hollywood Reporter, Huddy said that the incident took place in 2005-06 around the time Trump married Melania Trump.

Huddy, who is presently a radio show host with WABC revealed the incident during an appearance she made on the talk show “Mornin’!!! w/Bill Schulz” on Thursday.

Huddy stated, “He [Trump] said goodbye to me in an elevator while his security guy was there.”

“Rather than kiss me on the cheek he leaned in to kiss me on the lips. I wasn’t offended, I was kind of like, ‘Oh my God,'” the former Fox News anchor added.

Huddy said that she did not feel “threatened” during the incident but described the situation as a “weird moment.”

“He [Trump] never tried anything after that, and I was never alone with him,” she said.

According to the report, Trump, years later visited Huddy at her show on Fox News and referred to the incident in a light manner. Trump reportedly said during the show to the audience, “I tried hitting on her [Huddy], but she blew me off.”

“At the time I was not offended by it. I thought he was a single man and leaned in for a kiss,” Huddy said Thursday.

She went on to add, “Now I have matured I think I would say, ‘Whoa, no,’ but at the time I was younger and I was a little shocked. I thought maybe he didn’t mean to do it, but I was kind of making excuses.”

Trump, during his presidential campaign was subjected to multiple sexual assault allegations. More recently, former “Access Hollywood” correspondent Billy Bush in a New York Times op-ed column Sunday reconfirmed that the voice in the leaked “Access Hollywood” video tape — where Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women — was indeed Trump’s.

“He said it. ‘Grab ’em by the p—-,'” Bush wrote in the column.

Bush also went on to state, “Of course he said it. And we laughed along, without a single doubt that this was hypothetical hot air from America’s highest-rated bloviator.”

Bush stated that there were seven people with him and Trump when the incident took place. He said that all of them, him included, assumed they were listening to a “crass stand-up act.”

In the column Bush spoke about some of the incidents of sexual assault by Trump. He talked about the time when Trump reached under the skirt of Kristin Anderson and “touched her vagina through her underwear,” when they were at a New York night club in 1990s.

With reference to the above incident Bush wrote, “That makes the ‘grab ’em by the p—-‘ routine real. I believe her [Anderson].”

Bush also addressed the women who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Trump by saying, “I will never know the fear you felt or the frustration of being summarily dismissed and called a liar, but I do know a lot about the anguish of being inexorably linked to Donald Trump. You have my respect and admiration. You are culture warriors at the forefront of necessary change.”