Norway: USA are spying on us for our money

An incident with American F-35 fighters occured in Norway. The Norwegian Ministry of Defense asserts that US fighters transmit classified information to the server of the manufacturer.

According to reports, the Norwegian Ministry of Defense pays the US for spying on an independent kingdom. According to Norwegian Defense Ministry consultant Lars Gyumble, the F-35 fighter bombers, bought from the American company Lockheed Martin, transmit classified information to the servers of the manufacturer company located in Texas.

Norway was forced to purchase 40 units of American fighters, paying almost $ 30 billion. The reason for such a massive purchase of fighters is that the Armed Forces of Norway are armed with American aircraft, which were designed in the 1970s. The Norwegian government decided to replace the old aircraft with newer and more modern fighters.

However, modern fighters are produced not only in the United States, but also in neighboring Sweden, France and the consortium of the European Union. When the question arose of developing new F-35 fighters, the United States showed cunning, forcing many countries to invest in the project a considerable amount of money, in exchange for a promise to soon get the most modern fighters in the world. Due to the fact that Norway paid a huge amount of money for the project of the United States for the new F-35 fighters, it was impossible to refuse the purchase of these fighter jets. Thus, the United States manipulates the West, not only by providing economic, but also legal pressure.

Despite the fact that F-35 fighters should be produced in large batches and be used in the air forces of a number of large countries, the development of “the most modern”, according to the US version, fighter planes is still being continued. Units sold in operation are currently at the “experience” stage. Finalization of fighters is to “improve” the aircraft’s operating system and applications responsible for the proper operation of all fighter systems.

It should be recalled that Norway positively responded to the NATO summit in Warsaw, for this development of the event. At the summit, it was decided that NATO reconnaissance structures should be strengthened as much as possible. As a result, NATO will be able to control all member countries of the alliance, acting as a sort of “supervisory authority.”