By Gordon Duff
Criminal gangs that run our governments, control our corporations, fabricate our news, invent and reinvent out history and lull us into slavery do so believing humanity to be a form of cattle, no more. Denying this is insanity.
Their prime methodology is war, this is what gangs do.
Ask anyone across the Middle East and they will say war is coming to Lebanon. However, there is one problem with this, no one is certain who will be fighting whom? The divided politics of Lebanon, though puzzling to outsiders and a daily concern to the Lebanese themselves are not a factor. No one in Lebanon wants war. Only Saudi Arabia and Israel want war, or so we are told.
Stranger still, classified briefings to key American congressional committees, blame Lebanon’s Hezbollah for backing ISIS across Africa and even in Afghanistan and Pakistan, notwithstanding the fact that Hezbollah has up to 20,000 fighters engaged in war against ISIS and its US backed surrogates at this time.
Saudi Arabia is blaming Iran for shooting missiles at them from heavily blockaded Yemen, and even more insane is the unending effort to accuse Syria of use of chemical weapons.
The world was supposed to learn a lesson after Bush 43 and Blair cooked up a war on terror after 9/11, might we well say “conveniently” after 9/11. Fabricating war crimes, false flag terrorism, staged videos, actors as victims, all of this is not only standard fare, it is and has been the rule of the day.
Thus, we expect the now suspected 60-year marriage of love or marriage of convenience, the jury is out on which applies, between Saudi Arabia and their “besties” in Israel, to garner their assets, their paid-off politicians in America and Europe, their media assets, and their intelligence agencies, long suspected of backing ISIS and al Qaeda.
We can only wait for what they do next, will it be more staged gas attacks or a mass murder somewhere, anywhere, blamed on Iran or Syria or Hezbollah or perhaps Russia?
As American humorist, Jim W. Dean so often says, “You just can’t make this stuff up.”
Before assigning blame, usually attributed to the “halls of power,” most often governments or boardrooms, we must take a moment. Events since 9/11 have identified a flaw in typical causalities normally attributed to events and trends. Resources, religion or even ethnic feuds are no longer casus belli, nor are identifiable institutions prime movers or participants.
We look across the Middle East in particular but must turn to further reaching areas as well, the Russian-Ukrainian steppes, the Hindu Kush or the Sahel of Africa and we see one thing, a destruction, suffering, populations in upheaval, and behind it all, mysterious supposed “non-state players” at war. None of it should be taken at face value.
There is general agreement that the end of the wars in Syria and Iraq will lead to a wider conflict. No one admits as to why, no one dares. Here is what can be told.
War is now a living thing, like a child. Its parents may well be the “usual suspects” who gave us the Napoleonic Wars, certain the architects of the two great wars of the 20th century and the Bolshevism that violently swept much of the planet in the aftermath, ending in Vietnam and the fall of the Soviet Empire.
The end of ISIS is being mourned like the death of a child. ISIS will live on, and we will explain why, but its wars of conquest may well never rise to the levels of profitability seen in Iraq and Syria. The war and ISIS as well is a construct of need, a response to a regime that long ago replaced capitalism or the once imagined free markets or any other economic system. There are no economic systems, even the “bankster debt slavery” peddled by the IMF and World Bank, no longer serve, not without a backdrop of war.
One hypothesis seems to prove out above all outs, that the last two decades of war indicate a political change in the West, that elected governments have been supplanted by one or more criminal organizations. It may be further postulated that there may be two kinds of war:
- War as economic necessity, the real “last stage” of capitalism
- War is now and may well always have been a natural result of the real natural stages of human development, invariably ending in mob rule
The Methodologies
Were one to ask experts, government advisors or “cutting edge” think tanks, the world of “minds on the take,” so often used to launder and certify “fake facts” into government policy, you still end up with an unpleasant answer. Universally, all agree, the United States is “dead in the water” as a world leader without its military engaged around the world, particularly in the Middle East and now Africa.
With America’s European allies “off the table,” now only willing, after the post-9/11 fiasco, of lending token force against helpless foes like the Houthi’s of Yemen, the balance of global power has shifted.
How It Will Play
The Astana talks on Syria have demonstrated why Washington is seen to require war. Turkey and Iran, the real military powers of the region, each considerably more “combat sustainable” than Israel or Saudi Arabia, have found a dangerous commonality.
With Pakistan’s Imran Khan ready to move Pakistan closer to China and perhaps Russia as well, America’s adventure in Afghanistan will come to an end. Khan will likely unite Pakistan’s Pashtun population with Afghanistan, overwhelming the US backed Northern Tribal Alliance.
What may well happen is a restructuring of Pashtun goals, mirroring the Kurdish moves further West, seeking a purely Pashtun state carved out of both Pakistan and Afghanistan. Has the Taliban always been more of a national liberation front than extremist group?
Khan will torpedo America’s “divide and rule” game in Afghanistan and may well move nuclear Pakistan away from its traditional role as defending of Saudi Arabia and backer of CIA interests.
The making of an Islamic “anti-NATO,” which could even include Iran, with Russia and China as guarantors, could change the global balance for the foreseeable future. What has driven this, of course, is that other narrative, one that identifies the reality of our time, that war itself is the norm, the real engine behind the shadow world economy driven by the real “non-state players.”
The Unpleasant Reality
As few as 500 individuals govern the planet. They don’t “rule” anything, however. Though most are elected officials and a mix of equally corrupt “tin pot” dictators, none have real power. There are no elections that can’t be rigged, what is going on now in America is proof of that.
Where the proof is, however, points no fingers at Russia. The proof is how the press, the police agencies, congress, all marching in lock-step, follow totally fake narratives on behalf of, well, on behalf of what or who?
There is one organization in the world that rigs elections and that is the CIA. It “leverages” press assets around the world, and to any reasonable person inside America as well, it controls voting machines software and has a newfound partnership with quasi-secret organizations like the Federalist Society that controls paper ballot counts and polling place security across America as well.
Both the CIA and “Federalists” work for the same masters, particularly as the CIA was almost entirely privatized after 9/11. Almost all US security organizations are now privatized or infiltrated or “castrated.”
The pattern is simple, with police across the US “trained” in Israel, where they are indoctrinated or bought off and all Washington based organizations, employing up to 1 million, answer to a chain of command that terminates “offshore,” events that drive America are more theatre than reality.
The proof, more often, is in the coverup than the acts themselves. When one assumes a “government” serves the electorate, when all evidence supports any other hypothesis, events become predictable. Mass killings like recent events in Las Vegas or terror attacks such as 9/11 and not some of the others, but most, are simply the “kinetic” end of government sponsored psychological warfare programs.
Terrorism and “Kinetics”
This is the term, “kinetics.” It refers to use of violence by “surrogates” to create sufficient fear and anger, and even more dangerous, the feeling of general despair, that allows totalitarianism to be marketed as “democracy under attack.”
The concept grew up in the late 1960s, initially in Vietnam, when the US decided to implement a policy of mass murder of political opponents under the Phoenix Program. The targets weren’t just politicians or religious leaders, the US sent assassins after teachers, nurses and journalists, anyone capable of supporting a cohesive society outside of American control.
After Vietnam, Phoenix moved to Central America, run out of the School of the America’s, began running death squads in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras, killing numbers no one may even guess.
Under Gladio, the supposed NATO guerilla warfare “stay behind” network, intended to operate in a Soviet conquered Europe, terror groups were formed, the Red Brigades and a number of IRA and even “Palestinian” organizations as well, with the aid of Israel’s Mossad and operating from bases in Gaddafi’s Libya. Gladio staged dozens of bombings across Italy, but according to anonymous CIA sources, the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing and the 1983 Beirut bombings that killed 241 US and 58 French “peacekeepers.”
American Vice President Pence refers to the Beirut attacks, and rightly so, as the “opening salvo” in the War on Terror. What they may well represent as well is the beginning of a policy of regime change “where desirable” or war “where profitable” justified by “self-induced” terrorism against the United States and its citizens.
Though we move to describe and even predict events, the concept of “perception is reality” and the absurdity of what mankind has allowed, never escapes us. What was once called “mob rule” is now “managed consensus.” Consensus is managed by control of institutions, education, press, even society itself. Human interaction is redefined, political life channeled into a Skinner box, perceptions hand fed through false narratives, fake news, fabricated history and an endless flood of disinformation.
Never in human history have so many people known so much that is utterly false. Had farmers grazed their cattle at the bottom of the sea, a learning process might well have kicked in as evidence of drowning became inexorable. Are analogies like this even enough to describe a society that continues to believe what is known to be false, that has been programmed to ignore facts, turn away from the causality learning process infants learn?