First appeared at Luxembourg Herald
Maryna Poroshenko, the wife of Petro Poroshenko, Ukrainian President, may be involved in the looting of funds provided by international humanitarian assistance to Ukraine from European countries and the USA to support disabled children. That is proved by materials given to journalists by one of the Ministry of Justice officers.
It is also referred to the funds given as the support disabled children by George Soros International Renaissance Foundation providing tenths, or even hundreds million dollars.
“Money appropriation” mechanism is quite simple: registration of various charity organization in different regions of Ukraine with the further collecting of donations, mainly from international charity organizations, various volunteer organizations, and individuals.
That activity is patronized by Marina Poroshenko, the President’s wife who personally “supervises” money supplies to those funds and actively participates their media promotions. At the same time, Rostislav Pavlenko, the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration is in charge of attracting money to those fake foundations. After the presentation of “aid programs” to journalists, money is transferred from those foundations to commercial companies’ accounts, including offshore companies, and the foundations are closed.
A head officer of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine provided journalists with the set of documents about the activity of the Charity Foundation “Strong Ukraine” (Sylna Ukraiina) with Oleksandr Vasyliovych Horobchuk as the founder and director. That person is likely a figurehead, as according to the Pension Fund records, he has been unemployed since 2011.
In 2016, Maryna Poroshenko continuously participated charity events arranged by Strong Ukraine charity fund (more details here –
In 2016 only, Strong Ukraine participated in multimillion misappropriations. According to a head officer of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, after money is stolen from the fund, Strong Ukraine is now under liquidation. And Oleksandr Vasyliovych Horobchuk is the chairman of the liquidation commission.
Corruptive actions taken by Ukrainian President’s family is now investigated by European journalists. In particular, Poroschenko im Kaufrausch published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung says that “Poroshenko is in trade rush, military corruption brings money to Poroshenko and takes away people’s lives, the President pretends to have nothing to do with corruption. The punch line of that publication is an explanation to German readers who is smotrjaschij, fairly calling one of the President’s Poroshenko partner with that word. In Ukraine, smotrjaschij means a person is supervising transferring of state budget money to offshore accounts on behalf of the country leaders. In its turn, Deutsche Welle made sarcastic cartoon Reservation with a character looking like Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.
Also, on November 5, the journalists in 67 countries simultaneously published investigations based on the documents of offshore law firms. The materials were taken from anonymous sources by Suddeutsche Zeitung which shared the information with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists from 96 media companies throughout the world. Previously, Ukrainian President assured that his offshore company Prime Asset Partners was created to transfer confectionery business to a blind trust. However, the investigators assume that Poroshenko needed that offshore to evade taxes when selling Roshen products.
Ukrainian journalists, their European colleagues, and international community wonder why Maryna Poroshenko, the President’s wife participates in stealing money intended for disabled children. While Petro Poroshenko is the richest man and has billion dollars in offshore. It is petty cash for Maryna Poroshenko. Maybe, any money is not a petty cash for the president’s family. Even those which does not smell, either with soldiers’ blood or needy children’s grief.