Leave.EU, the anti-EU campaign group supported by Nigel Farage and Arron Banks, has backed calls for an inquiry into whether Russia interfered in Brexit.
Labour MP Ben Bradshaw told Business Insider this week that the government should order a judge-led investigation into fears that the Kremlin tried to meddle in British democracy.
And Bradshaw has now found an unlikely ally in the shape of Leave.EU, the very organisation he has raised questions about, suggesting it was funded by “dark money” provided by UKIP donor Banks.
Andy Wigmore, the former head of communications for Leave.EU, told that he and Banks would happily be questioned under oath to put an end to the “hysterics and lunacy” surrounding Russian interference.
In an emailed statement, he said it was “beyond laughable” that Russia subverted the EU referendum last year and compared Bradshaw and others to the conspiracy theorists who believe there was a second shooter in the John F. Kennedy assassination.
Here’s Wigmore’s full statement:
“The hysteria and grieving by those that lost the Brexit referendum is now gone beyond any sensible explanation. The new idea that somehow the Russians have subverted the electoral process in both the US and now the UK is beyond laughable.
“The grieving remoaners are desperate, desperate to find any excuse, any reason to justify their loss, which is why Ben Bradshaw, the BBC, The Guardian, Open Democracy and a lot of self appointed political elites have called for an enquiry (sic) into the ‘dark money’ and so called Russian influence over Brexit, In some vain hope they can overturn the will of the people.
“Arron Banks and I welcome and support any enquiry with open arms to finally put a stop to these hysterics and lunacy. We are happy to be quizzed by any select committee under oath if it helps stops the fantasists — there is no conspiracy, no grassy knowl (sic) so BEN Bradshaw and other concerned MPs and grieving remoaners, we welcome and support and (sic) enquiry.”
Bradshaw and other MPs intend to lobby the government into launching an investigation. He wants the issue to be treated as seriously as it is in the US, where former FBI director Robert Mueller is investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections and whether President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Kremlin.
“We need the government to wake up to this. All we have had, up to this point, is stonewalling and obfuscation. There now needs to be a full government investigation into all aspects of [Russian] subversion,” he said.