Iraqi government forces launch offensive against last IS stronghold

Iraq’s government forces began offensive on Thursday against the last stronghold of the Islamic State terror group in the country.

The campaign to liberate the cities of Al-Qaim and Rawa, near the Syrian border, from terrorists was ordered by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who is the commander of the republic’s armed forces, his chancellery said.

The effort involves the units of federal police, the army special task forces, rapid reaction forces and also the Shia militias (al-Hashd al-Shaabi).

The Iraqi prime minister earlier said that the IS terror group in Iraq would be defeated by the end of the year. With the support of the US-led anti-terror coalition, some 95% of territory earlier controlled by militants has been fully liberated.

The coalition said that the final battle against the IS group in Iraq would take place on the border with Syria, where about 2,000 militants have enhanced their positions.