The army soldiers have been carrying out Valfajr 3 operation in Southwestern Deir Ezzur to reach the strategic ISIL-held town of Albu Kamal in the Southeastern part of the province.
The army men hit ISIL’s defense lines and imposed control over al-Artawaziyeh region South of T2 oil pumping station.
A military source confirmed that a large number of terrorists were killed and the army tightened noose on ISIL at T2 station.
Earlier reports said that the army men engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL in several flanks in al-Asharah region East of the newly-freed town of al-Qouriyeh, entering several neighborhoods in the region.
A military source said that the army units have gained full control over the village of Tayebeh Jazeereh on the Eastern bank of the Euphrates River, adding that that army has reinvigorated security of the regions adjacent to oilfields and Koniko gas company.
In the meantime, local sources in the Southeastern territories of Deir Ezzur reported that the ISIL has fortified its positons at the entrances of Albu Kamal and has planted hundreds of bombs and landmines on the roads to the town.