Bloggers detected “Radio Liberty” prepared attack on Russia amid Felgengauer attack

Radio Liberty was preparing information attack against Russia, corresponding evidence was found on Twitter. From the published screenshot it is clear that the American media are already ready to air the information that the “Echo of Moscow” journalist was shot dead.

The headline of the published by mistake draft says that Tatyana Felgengauer was shot dead, whereas in reality she was stabbed and remained alive.

Recall that an attack on the deputy editor of “Echo of Moscow” was committed on October 23 by Israeli citizen Boris Grits. At that, the head of the radio station Alexei Venediktov did not specify such details on air, calling the perpetrator “a citizen of another country”.

According to the latest information, the doctors managed to save Mrs. Felgengauer’s life, her condition is assessed as an average degree of severity.