Spain: Basques join hands in human chain to support Catalan independence


Hundreds of people coming from all over the Basque Country gathered in Beasain and formed a huge human chain in support of the Catalan independence, Sunday.

SOT, Jone Amunarriz, member of “Gure Esku Dago” organisation (Basque):“The reason for the human chain is to reach out to Catalonia and that´s we´re looking forward to.”

SOT, Oskar Soto, member of “Gure Esku Dago” Organisation (Basque): “We should have an empathy with Catalonia, and what the villages of Beasain, Ordizia and Lazkao achieve with this human chain is to have that empathy.”

SOT, Lidia Hernandez, Beasain resident (Basque): “We came to give our support to Catalonia and to denounce what happened. It is also a movement of the resident and we must be here.”

SOT, Speaker (Basque): “Today also the residents of Goierri and Euskal Herria shake hands with Catalonia.”

SOT, Speaker (Basque): “We send all our strength and support from here [to Catalonia]. We are all Catalonia. We are with you. And now, listen to his message.”