The army forces engaged in fierce clashes with the ISIL on Thursday after the terrorists blew up a tunnel in Hawijeh Sokr in the Eastern parts of Deir Ezzur city and launched heavy attacks against military points in the region.
A military source said that the Syrian army soldiers have inflicted heavy casualties on ISIL and forced others to withdraw from the region.
In a relevant development on Wednesday, the Syrian army troops hit ISIL’s defense lines in Deir Ezzur city and its outskirts, tightening the siege on the terrorists in the city neighborhoods, battlefield sources confirmed.
The army men clashed fiercely with ISIL in al-Sina’ah and al-Omal neighborhoods and managed to advance against terrorists in Deir Ezzur city.
The army soldiers pushed ISIL back from more positions in Share’a al-Saeed and al-Rasafeh neighborhoods, inflicting heavy casualties on the terrorists.
In the meantime, the Syrian and Russian fighter jets pounded ISIL’s positions in the city, leaving a number of terrorists dead.
The army’s simultaneous advances against ISIL in the three flanks of Eastern Deir Ezzur, Eastern bank of the Euphrates River and inside the city are forcing the terrorist front into imminent collapse.