On German tranquility and missionary zeal

By Phil Butler

Germans love their tranquility. I can attest to that having lived in the land of Oom-pah where wine and beer fests churn up robotic glee and civic togetherness. And the election charade for Angela Merkel’s fourth term is a good example of just how much people are willing to sacrifice in order to get their fix of Shangri La.

A story entitled “Angela Merkel: Germans embrace predictability and stability ahead of vote” at abc.net.au tells us that most Germans just want their beer, pretzels, and Angela Merkel piloting Germany over the rest of the EU some more. Okay, the last part is what I am telling you as an analyst who’s lived in Germany for a decade. The point is, Merkel stands for the globalist world as it is today – a steaming pile of crises of one kind or another. The problem with re-electing Angela Merkel for Europe, is that nothing will change for the Germans in the short term, and that nothing will change any time soon for countries less fortunate. Merkel is the symbol of what is all wrong about Germany and the EU. The European Union experiment cannot succeed if one country is favored above all others. In short, the euro zone cannot go forward if Germany is part of it. This should be abundantly clear for everyone paying close attention. The Australian piece continues, citing a German Octoberfest reveler:

“I think in Germany, everybody feels good,” Sebastian Tebbel says.

Thank God Natalie Nougayrède over at The Guardian interrupted Merkel’s Munich beer hall putsch with “Germany won’t lead the free world. It barely looks beyond its own borders”, an opinion piece that get’s down to the business of profiling the German psyche – Merkel must protect them. The French expert frames Merkel and the Germans she panders to so:

“The German campaign has paid very little attention to Europe, not to mention the world beyond it. It has practically dispensed with the question of how the country should relate to realities beyond its borders: the global shifts at work, how to define its role in a changing environment, how to strategically prepare for the future, and the external impacts that may lie in store.

But for my firsthand knowledge of Germans, I’d be led to believe the good German people are truly Merkel’s huddled little Bavarian sheep too. But Nougayrède relates the attitudes of those at the Robert Bosch Academy in her story too. She cites one of the people from her tour of Berlin, Leipzig, and Munich:

“The expectations other countries have towards Germany are sometimes exaggerated. We are self-confident, but we don’t have any missionary zeal. We are intensely aware of our history”; “Trump is disturbing, but to take up a leadership role is just too much for us.”

Good God, if anyone cannot read between the lines there and see a familiar demon. I get a mental image of a stoic and chiseled military figure clad all in black, and I cannot avert the brightness of the silver “SS” on his hat, the death’s head on his cap blaring into my retina. Reading what Nougayrède, I hear the thick German accent begrudgingly mouthing English to the Guardian audience’s writer. “Vee ahhr self-confi-DENT, but Vee haf no deeesigns on Czechoslovakia unt Polandt!”. Oh my, Europe is indeed in trouble.

The Guardian author ends up calling Germany “A Kantian village in a world that has become ever more Hobbesian”, and goes on to suggest Germans are living in a fantasy world. On this I can attest to the reality of most German villagers – 99% are clueless to anything but what the BILD and ARD tell them about the world. Germany is a the land of Oom-pah music and rhythmically dancing village idiots, the most dangerous lot of passive aggressive human beings on Earth. And what makes them the most dangerous is the fact so few people recognize the breed. A Jewish friend of mine, an author whose name I withhold for his safety, offered this quote after he’d stayed in our village for a month:

“I suspect they are just waiting for another Hitler to come along and unite their collective mentality, not enough Jews to hate but they have all the immigrants and so-called refugees.”

Germany is the most prosperous country in Europe for one granite solid reason – the country took advantage of every other country in Europe to get there. If the average Spanish or Romanian citizen understood fully where their prosperity went, Berlin would be ostracized like Pyongyang, North Korea. Should Europe’s peoples ever really understand the dirty dealing from Frankfurt and Luxembourg bankers and the ruling elite of Central Europe, they’ll elect Russia’s Putin as emperor in order to cure the pestilence. Reichsmarschall Hermann Wilhelm Göring, when he was asked how the Nazis got the German people to make total war. This is from the Nuremberg Diary (1947):

“Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”

Back then Germans embraced safety and predictability too. Just before World War II the “self-confidence” of the German was elevated by the lofty words and promises of Adolph Hitler and his henchmen. And after it was too late Europe and the world learned of the “missionary zeal” of the Germans.