Unknown “pleased” German politicians with white powder before the elections

According to the N-TV, the elections of the Bundestag, on which the new government will be assembled and the Federal Chancellor of Germany will be appointed, will be held on September 24.

The list of “victims” from such an inappropriate joke became the prime minister of the federal state of Bavaria Horst Seehofer, the leader of the parliamentary faction “Greens” Catherine Goering-Ekkardt, the deputy of the Bundestag from the “Greens” Hans Christian Strebele and some other politicians. The letter reached the very top. In particular, the white powder was received by the husband of the current Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel Joachim Sauer.

All politicians and law enforcement bodies confirmed receipt of letters with powder. After the examination it turned out that it was not dangerous. As the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country has informed, the substance is nevertheless still being studied.

According to one of the recipients of Seehofer, in addition to the powder in the envelope, there was a blade and a letter in Arabic. Law enforcers are trying to find out what all this means.