Austria’s top diplomat seeks to arrange Putin-Trump summit in Vienna

Austria may host talks between US President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin devoted to the challenges to modern global politics, Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said on Friday.

“I would suggest Trump to discuss at a summit in neutral Austria with Russian President Vladimir Putin the most important challenges to international politics,” Kurz told the Austria Press Agency (APA). The politician answered a question on the issue that he plans to discuss in his first phone conversation with Trump if he is elected Austria’s Chancellor.

The elections to Austria’s National Council are due on October 15 involving 16 parties and political movements.

Kurz, who leads the conservative Austrian People’s Party, and Austrian Chancellor and chairman of the Social Democratic Party Christian Kern, are expected to run neck-and-neck at the polls. Austrian right-wing politician Heinz-Christian Strache, who chairs the Freedom Party of Austria, will be the third rival in the race for the Chancellor’s seat.