Venezuela FM: US president promotes terrorism, destruction

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza told reporters outside the UN General Assembly that US President Donald Trump’s comments promote terrorism and destruction rather than peace.

In response to Trump’s comments that the US will “take new actions” against Venezuela in order to force its government to change, Arreaza said that the threats were illegal, “disrespect the UN, Venezuela, and the international community”, telesur reported.

He added that the US government is violating international law by trying to enforce its way of governing on Venezuela and Cuba saying Trump is promoting a “return to the Cold War.”

He told reporters that while Venezuela has been working for 18 years to build the Bolivian Revolution led by Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, Trump has been growing his fortune.

Arreaza reminded Trump he should govern the US, not the rest of the world, and that he can’t “touch the democracy, independence and sovereignty” of any foreign country.

While addressing the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, Trump said that the collapsing situation in Venezuela was “completely unacceptable,” adding that the US will not stand by and watch the country’s failure.

“We do not accept threats from President Trump or whomever in this world. We are a people of peace, a peaceful people. And what we want is relations of mutual respect not only with the United States but with all the countries all over the world,” Arreaza stressed.

“We are quite surprised by the words of the president of the United States this morning. This is supposed to be the house and the headquarters of peace and the international law. And what we heard was the opposite of that. It’s a president who comes for the first time and speaks about war about destroying countries about blockades against countries. And of course the country that violates the human rights all over the world seems to have the moral authority to come and speak to the rest of the countries as they were his employees,” he underlined.

Last month, US President signed an executive order imposing stronger financial sanctions on Venezuela, escalating the US’s crackdown on the South American country.