Ukraine: Saakashvili slams Poroshenko in Chernivtsi rally



Former President of Georgia and former Governor of Odessa Mikheil Saakashvili, held a rally in the city of Chernivtsi on Wednesday, using the opportunity to criticise Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko as unable to “look into your (Ukraine’s) eyes”.

SOT, Mikheil Saakashvili, Former President of Georgia and former Governor of Odessa, (Ukrainian): “Poroshenko wanted to deprive me of the opportunity to talk to you and look into your eyes but he could not do it. Why couldn’t he do this, because the people of Ukraine once again showed everyone that any plans of the oligarchs or any plan of any president to once again establish a regime of arbitrariness, usurpation will never pass. This is not Russia, it’s not some kind of post-Soviet country. This is Ukraine which has honour, which always wins and will always win because it is the Ukrainian people, the great people of Ukraine!”

SOT, Mikheil Saakashvili, Former President of Georgia and former Governor of Odessa, (Russian): “And when they told me that Saakashvili had came to Ukraine, this is outrage over the border of Ukraine. Excuse me, is it an outrage to go back to my home?”